Wall shelf Standard Version Experience the essence of simplicity with our sleek wall shelf, designed to complement any decor effortlessly. Standard PRO Orthographic project Rendered pictures The image rendering by Keyshot. Work pictures Fiber laser cutter, tube bending. Rendering process Here are Fusion360 modeling, zebra pattern analysis and force analysis, and Blender rendering interface screenshot images. Price Calculation Price is for reference only, and material changes may result in inaccurate prices.Design costs are based on sales volume, and a small number of products cannot reflect formal design costs. Material Cost: Labor Fee:Painting Cost:Packaging Cost:Advertising Cost:Design Fee:Profit: $100$20/h × 6h = $120$15$55% ($12)5% ($12)10% ($24) Total: $288 For more information, please click the Pro button above. Photo taken at UofA Industrial Design Studio, April 11, 2024 Reference Code support: https://codepen.io/marduklien/pen/MdvdEG https://github.com/dev-zuo/nice-func/tree/main/src/5-airpods-pro-play-video-on-scrollVideo setting (Chinese): https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Wr4y1g7Zc/?vd_source=87f058239dc36fb79ddbb0d9a107f9ec https://docs.blender.org/manual/zh-hans/2.91/render/output/file_formats.htmlThe source of inspiration: https://www.apple.com/ca/airpods-pro/